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Re: VA Pics

On Thu, Dec 31, 1998 at 09:31:08AM -0500, Jason Pincin wrote:
> /		256 MB
> /var		768 MB
> /usr		1024MB
> /usr/local	1024MB
> /export		1536MB
> /export/apache	2048MB
> /export/db	2560MB
> swap		128 MB

This is a horrible mess, and you are talking about doing things like compiling
in /usr?  You should always do compiles in the user dirs as a user, never as
root.  And this /export partition nonsense looks totally nonstandard and hell
to admin.  I like to make a huge /home partion myself and have everything on
the box that changes there, including src and DB's (except system stuff that 
should be in /var, /tmp, and /etc).  It makes backups and administration so 
much easier than having to travel all over the partitions trying to figure out
what's changing and what's not.

Just my opinions.

> /home -> /export/home
> /tmp -> /var/tmp

Is it really a good idea to symlink dirs that are used constantly?  Doesn't
that create unnecessary overhead?  Not much, but it probably ads up on two of
the most used dirs on the box.


Daniel E. Markle

Linux - The OS of the future.
Windows - Still using that legacy OS?