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Re: VA Pics

> /	            256 MB (includes 24MB rescue image for RAID)
> /var                512 MB
> /tmp		    384 MB
> /usr                1024 MB
> /usr/src	    1024 MB
> /usr/local  	    512 MB
> /home		    5378 MB
> swap                128 MB 

OK.  So nobody likes the /export idea.  Thats fine, we'll scrap it ;)
But, 1024MB in /usr/local isn't huge IMHO.  Remember.. most of our source
should go into /usr/local/src.  That includes apache src, htdig src, mysql
src, etc. etc... plus all the bins.  Only system stuff like the kernel
should go into /usr/src.

So by going back to a setup similar to what I have on our current box and
more standard in Linux (closer to my original suggestion), and taking into
account the above comments, how about this:

/		256 MB
/tmp		192 MB
/var		512 MB
/usr		1024MB
/usr/local	1024MB
/home		5056MB
swap		128 MB
unpartitioned	512MB

To answer Dan's question, the overhead caused by symlinks is only during
lookup.  When figuring out where you are it traces the inodes, when it
hits an inode header that contains a symlink it is given an entirely new
path and begins it's inode trace from root again.

