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Re: Question Submission Forms and the DB

> Do we want submitors to be able to set the category, or do we want to leave
> that up to the answerers?

Not sure what you mean here.  Are you talking about the Q&A system?  That
can wait for now... for now, we're just talking about putting a system in
place that allows people to submit articles... not ask a question.

> ArticleID         Generated by DB or script?

DB handles... your script should submit a NULL to this column.

> Title             User entered, verify that it isn't blank via script.
> ProblemDesc       User entered, verify that it isn't blank via script.
> StatusID          Needs to be set to "Submitted", which means it has not yet
>                   been answered.  After answering it is set to "Answered", then
>                   after editor verification it is set to "Completed".

Lets talk further on StatusID at next IRC meet.  But thats fine for now...
we can change stuff there easily.

> InceptTime        Is this set automagically by the DB or does it need done by
>                   the script?

InceptTime will need set to current time via the script.  This is only
ever set ONCE, when a new record is created.

> ModTime           Same question as InceptTime.

This is handled via the DB, you must submit a NULL to this column.

> ApplyYes/ApplyNo  What are these?  Didn't find a description anywhere, I'm sure
>                   I'll need to set them somewhere at some point.

These are set to 0 at article submission time... the article scripts will
not need to worry about these other than that.  My auto-generation scripts
will be creating the code to handle these values.

> ApprovedBy        No way for question submission to handle this, unless we say
>                   noone or something, which really is just a waste of space.
>                   I think we should allow null here until the "Completed" stage.

ApprovedBy will be 0 until Approved by someone.  The space isn't wasted,
cuz the space in the record is reservered for that value one way or the

Keep the questions coming :).
