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Re: DrGenius does 3d plotting!!!

Thus spake Aaron Lehmann:
> I have successfully hacked dr-genius to do 3d-plotting on a gnome-canvas.
> Screenshot at http://vitelus.com/aaronl/dr-genius-3d.jpg (the graph in the
> picture looks lousy but it looks great on my screen - lousy screen capture
> or jpeg compression i guess).
> Anyway, i am eager to commit the code that makes this work. Apply the
> first canvas diff i sent and I will send you a diff on that, or even
> better when miguel finally creates a cvs account for me i can finally
> commit to the canvas code without bothering you.

Wow! Looks cool.
Speaking of which: anyone, what are the plans for graphing in Dr. Genius?
AFAIK, the plan is to eventually use a CORBA component for graphing,
This would allow guppi or the gnumeric plotting component or whatever,

Aaron -- have you looked at the guppi stuff to see if your code could
work with that or if you could help integrate guppi into Dr. Genius?
It would be nice to have graphing in Dr. Genius, but it would be
better yet to have a great gnome graphing component!

Looking at the guppi page, I found the following program:
It's another GPL'ed Linux math program, with some gnome-ification.
It seems pretty early/alpha right now, but they do have:
error function
pseudo-random numbers
derivative/simplify (though I doubt it's very comprehensive)

We might be able to reuse some of the code for the above (esp. error
function and pseudo-random numbers), and they might be interested in
Dr. Genius or at least discussing stuff with us -- should I email them
and say hi?

Also, for those who don't read Gnotices:
Happy birthday George! (a bit late -- it was saturday)