
seul-dev-sysarch is the pseudo-group that encompasses all the higher-level leaders of the SEUL Project. That currently includes Erik Walthinsen as head sysarch and Roger Dingledine and Peter Luka as contributing sysarchs.

This group's function is to coordinate all development operations being carried out by the 6 development groups. This means making cross-functional decisions, coordinating decisions across the project, and maintaining overall coherency of goals and design.


The group operates primarily via e-mail and IRC. arma and luka, being in physical proximity, meet when possible to discuss things.

Decisions will be made according to a process that has yet to be solidified, but is outlined in the structure document. It will be formalized soon.


$Id: index.html,v 2001/02/08 20:09:04 arma Exp $