seul-dev-install group

This group writes software to get the user from wherever to a running SEUL system, with minimal effort on the part of the user. This can be installing a system from scratch, or installing over or next to an existing OS. And if the user is trying to preserve data (as indicated by answering a question like "do you want to keep another OS which is currently installed?") then the installer should be extra careful about not destroying data that may be related to that OS.

The installer should also be excessively verbose about what to do, if an error occurs. Diagnostic info may be useful if you know what it means, but the SEUL target user may not know a thing about linux or os jargon, so what they need is instructions on what to do, to make things work, or pointers to more info if necessary (and don't say look on the net, if they don't have a net connection up yet!). Above all, make an effort to never leave the user stranded with no instructions on the screen.


A document by Luka giving suggested tasks for dev-install is available here.


The group is lead by Randy Heineke.


The main project in this group at present is a specification for the installer. A draft of this is availible for review.

Once this specification has been finalized, it is planned to divide up the work properly.


Install Specification
A draft of the SEUL install specification, availible for review.


For technical problems, please email
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