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Names and Images


I prefer "The Linux Knowledge Base Org."  or LKBO for short.  I think it's
perfect match for "linuxkb.org".  And we don't have to worry about
becoming joined at the hip with some other group who uses "Dr. Tux" or
something like that.  It allows us to keep our independance and makes it
clear who and what we're about.

It's also fits with the work my friend Alan did.  Note, #1 & #2 were his
first drafts.  #3 & #4 are the same image, just different sizes which we
can crop or format to our liking.  Also these are just PROTOTYPES!  They
look really good IMHO, but he's looking for suggestions regarding things
to improve (maybe some mountains in the background, modify the tree
somehow???).  He can also shrink the tree and enlarge Tux (which I think
is a good idea IMHO) and stuff like that.


Some of my ideas are:
Enlarge Tux
Shorten the tree
Make the tree trunk thicker
Make the book better defined
Animate the eyes (reading the book)

I'm all for getting our name out.  Perhaps we should make a short/simple
page that tells who/what we're about, post it on www.linuxkb.org and make
it an annoucement.  Before we do this though, the development web pages
need to be password protected.  Just because their in a different
directory/alias, doesn't protect them from curious eyes.  I'd like to keep
a little secrecy :-)

Lastly, I'm supposted to get the VA box today.

- -- 
Aaron Turner           | Either which way, one half dozen or another. 
aturner@pobox.com      | Check out the Red Hat Linux User's FAQ Online!
www.pobox.com/~aturner | http://www.pobox.com/~aturner/RedHat-FAQ/
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On Tue, 29 Dec 1998, Jason Pincin wrote:

> > It just seems like "Knowledge Base" should be part of our name - that's
> > what they're called in the 'Doze world.
> No... Knowledge Base will remain part of our name.  As I said before... there's no
> way I'm giving up those domains.  :)
> > And yes, we should decide soon and announce it.  Not make any promises
> > or reveal our plans, just tell people not to steal our name!  Sort of
> > like Transmeta.... :-)
> Agreed.
> Jason

Version: 2.6.2
