Setting Keyboard Properties

  1. Move the mouse pointer over the main menu applet on the panel
  2. Click and release the left mouse button
  3. Move the mouse pointer over "System" item and a sub-menu will pop up
  4. Move the mouse pointer over the "Keyboard Properties" sub-menu
  5. Click and release the left mouse button and the keyboard properties window will appear
  6. Enable key repeat by depressing the "Enable auto-repeat" button
  7. Adjust the keyboard repeat rate by moving the "Repeat rate" scroll bar
  8. Adjust the keyboard repeat delay by moving the "Repeat delay" scroll bar
  9. Enable key clicks by depressing the "Click on keypress" button
  10. Adjust the key click volume by moving the "Click volume" scroll bar
  11. Click OK to accept the changes and close the Keyboard Properties window