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Re: Major interview

Doug Loss wrote:

> Roman Kirsanow has talked to Liz Coolbaugh from Linux Weekly News about
> doing an interview on the state of Linux in education (more or less).
> He's asked me and Jose Lacal from OpenClassroom to also take part.
> There hasn't been a date scheduled yet for this interview, so I figure
> we have a bit of time to discuss what things we should focus on.
> OK, folks.  What should our approach be in this interview?  What things
> do we want to emphasize, and what things should we stay away from?  I
> don't think the three of us should repeat each other's words, but a if
> we have coherent and organized ideas that largely reinforce each other
> that can't hurt.

I'd like to know what people think about commercial edsoft at 5-11yrs old
for Linux. This is bound to crop up in the interview since it's my real job
when I'm not doing free stuff.

Topologika appeared on this list a while ago but I didn't see many people
suggesting which of their apps. might be useful in their classrooms. Is
this because there's a lack of teachers/parents here for that age level or
are we just against commercial apps? I'd be interested in porting Mathsbook
if people might want it.
