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Re: [pygame] pygame source compiling

Peter Shinners <pete@xxxxxxxxxxxx>:

The config.py stuff on windows will automatically use all those
dependencies if it finds the "prebuilt" directory somewhere in a
neighboring directory tree.

Which only works with Visual Studio .NET 2003 (Python 2.4 and 2.5 are
compiled with it) as the config_mingw.py script uses the practical pkg-config
magic (sdl-config, etc) and another build routine, which was the problem
DR0ID (and several others) ran and run into. Not anybody can afford to receive
a copy of VS.NET 2003 to use it, so the mingw users are lost at the moment and
even the Visual Studio setup took me ages to get it working correctly the last time
I tried.

To get forward with this issue, I can make up some build plan and script for the dependencies and pygame, but this will take some time, so do not expect to have
a working build script within the next three or four weeks.

A basic idea would be something like this:

* user pulls the source deps (script guarantees to work with version x.y.z of the deps)
* user extracts the source deps into some subdirectory of the pygame sources
* user starts the build script.
* the build script takes care of compiling the dependencies and puts them results into
  e.g. prebuilt/.
* user starts the usual pygame build routine (python config.py -auto, python setup.py ...)
* installation routine installs all stuff as necessary.

We would need some extra code for e.g. the jpeg patches and any other additional patch,
that applies to the very old dependencies (currently jpeg and smpeg).
Other patches would have to be maintained for the guaranteed dependency versions,
the build script works with.
