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Re: You still there?

Hi Aaron and all the other LKB guys,

I finally managed to catch up with most of my mail. Sorry for being so
quiet for the last few days, I've spent the Christmas Holidays with my
parents in Heidelberg and were not able to read mail there.

On Wed, 30 Dec 1998, Aaron D. Turner wrote:

> Thought I'd touch base with you and see what's up since you've been so
> quiet lately.

I sincerely apologize. The last few days before the start of my vacation
were very busy, since we've just finished a new major release of our
distribution. I even forgot to give you a short note about this...

> I guess what I'm really writing to see if we can still count on you to
> help with the LKB project or not. I understand that it's virtually
> impossible for you to come to the IRC chat sessions, but I was hoping
> you'd be more active at least with email.

I understand. Unfortunately, the last IRC sessions were indeed not timed
very well for me, but I read the transcripts later on. I really would like
to give you more help, but it seems that I'll be missing most of the fun
stuff. I will be on vacation for three more weeks, before I will be back
to work and regular mail. If I see the traffic on the list, it seems that
you guys are getting in gear now, so I don't know if it make sense for me
to jump in so late (after my holiday), at least concerning the devolpment
of the LKB. However, I think you will also need people to feed data into
the DB and maintaining the articles and submissions. If you need some help
in this area, I would be more than happy to aid you there.

> If things have changed and you can no longer help, I'd understand-
> things happen.  Just let me know OK?

I am really sorry for letting you guys down in this critical phase. If you
still have a need for help in three weeks, I would be more than happy to
jump back in.

Best wishes and a happy new year!


 Lenz Grimmer                                           SuSE GmbH
 mailto:grimmer@suse.de                       Schanzaeckerstr. 10
 http://www.suse.de/~grimmer             90443 Nuernberg, Germany