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Re: to do list


I was just about to start cleaning up the todo list, when I realized we're
doing this all wrong.  Right now we have what, 8 people?  And we're
talking about getting more later on...  What we need is a simple database
to not only keep track of what needs to be done, but what stage they're
in, etc.

Anyways, I once ran across MOT (Ministry of Truth) which does basically
that.  Anyways it runs on top of MySQL (which is already installed) and
uses PHP.  Check it out:


This way people can add/delete/edit the todo list, without the complicated
cvs issues.

- -- 
Aaron Turner           | Either which way, one half dozen or another. 
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On Thu, 3 Dec 1998 jpincin@ashtech.net wrote:

> Writing this real quick... didn't get time to completely finish
> the todo list page, just slapped up a quick initial list, you'll
> hafta view source on the page to even see it as I don't have all
> the html in there yet.
> http://pre-www.linuxkb.org/devel/todo.html
> If anyone wants to clean it up just checkout linuxkb from cvs and
> modify the file from there...
> If not, I'll fix it up tommorow... in a hurry, seeya!
> Jason

Version: 2.6.2
