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Re: Hosting oses.org (fwd)

I was going to ask our buddies at NaviSite for another IP for Yukon for
the thttpd image server (so it can run on port 80).  No reason I can't ask
for a second one.  I'm not sure if we can/would want to do a DNS virtual
host with Zope, but that is another option as well.


I'm a little bit concerned with the memory consumption of the Apache
daemons.  Zope + PHP + mod_perl makes for large processes.  Also Zope is
still beta while PHP and mod_perl are pretty stable.  Not sure what will
happen with all 3 compiled in.

Another option (and my first choice) is to run a separate Apache/Zope
daemon on this new IP.  No virtual hosts necessary, and we can tune it
specifically for oses.org's needs.  Since we have a gig of RAM, I'm more
worried about how Zope effects Apaches stability than mem leaks.  It would
also provide Jason a test environment for his own Zope testing.

Now most of this is pretty speculative.  I don't really know how much Zope
adds to the process size or if it has mem leaks or other problems, yada,
yada, yada...

Lastly, oses.org is free to/encouraged to use our thttpd server to serve
images.  thttpd is a lot smaller/faster than Apache for serving statics.
The url will likely be something like:  http://images.oses.org/oses/
I don't know how OSES will be posting data to our server, but the imagedir
is /home/thttp/oses/

Anyways, hopefully I'll get the new IP's Friday or Monday and have the new
severs configured/running shortly after that.

-Aaron, your friendly sysadmin

On Fri, 6 Aug 1999, Cees de Groot wrote:

> jpincin@ashtech.net said:
> > 	I'm sure we'll need to discuss some things such as how you want to
> > handle domain name re-direction to Zope, etc.  Please mail me with
> > your questions. 
> First of all - thanks a thousand times! Write down somewhere I owe you one 
> just in case we might ever meet ;-).
> As for the redirection, the easiest way would be to have an IP for 
> www.oses.org and then in httpd.conf:
> <VirtualHost>
>    ServerAdmin cg@cdegroot.com
>    DocumentRoot /tmp/
>    ServerName alpha.mobile.acriter.nl
>    RewriteEngine on
>    RewriteCond %{HTTP:Authorization}  ^(.*)
>    RewriteRule /(.*) /volumes/2/local/httpd/cgi-bin/Zope.cgi/oses/$1 
> [e=HTTP_CGI_AUTHORIZATION:%1,t=application/x-httpd-cgi,l]
> </VirtualHost>
> [you understand that I snipped this 1:1 from my own test configuration]. Works 
> like a charm, at least with the testing I've done.
> Anyway, I'll start out transferring the XML file of the site tonight (MEST). 
> It's already a giant leap forward that we can start cooperative developed on 
> the site.
> OBTW: which products did you install? There's a number I use, and I can send 
> you a tarball of all of them, you'd just unpack it in the Zope installation 
> root and restart the server - that's all (from the back of my head: Confera, 
> Squishdot, TinyTable).
> Regards,
> Cees
> -- 
> Cees de Groot               http://www.cdegroot.com     <cg@cdegroot.com>

Aaron Turner, Core Developer       http://vodka.linuxkb.org/~aturner/
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