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Re: gEDA-user: gEDA/gaf stable version 1.4.0-20080127 released!

On Wednesday 30 January 2008 08:49:42 Klaus Rudolph wrote:
> Peter Clifton schrieb:
> > On Wed, 2008-01-30 at 08:49 +0100, Klaus Rudolph wrote:
> >> Hi,
> >>
> >> it would be nice if there will be an ISO-Image again for the actual
> >> releases of all! the tools. This will be very convinient for me!/us? :-)
> >
> > I think that is going to be unlikely. The ISO-CD's successor is a binary
> > installer which Ales is working on. This will have gEDA and some other
> > related tools like PCB and gerbv.
> That will maybe result in a lot of library problems on different
> linux-os versions and distributions. I prefere compiling on my system :-)
> > If you wanted to build from source, I actually find checkout out from
> > git and using the top-level Makefile there easier than fetching all the
> > dist tarballs and using the Makefile.
> I got this answer weeks ago :-) Yes, I have no idea how git works, I
> have no idea what files I have to "check out" from what and so on. Is it
> possible to write a README/HOWTO where I can get a step by step
> introduction what I have to do on my system to get the complete sources
> to compile on my system? The result should be the same as on the old iso
> cd. It was so easy to mount the image file and simply enter one command.
>   Now I have to start reading with git :-(, maybe downdload a complete
> repository and what else... I only want the actual! versions... compile
> them... have fun. Please help!

  git clone git://git.gpleda.org/gaf.git
  cd gaf
  make install  # To install in $HOME/geda
  -- or --
  make prefix=<somewhere> install # To install elsewhere

  git pull      # To get new changes



Peter Brett

Electronic Systems Engineer
Integral Informatics Ltd

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