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Re: gEDA-user: c8900a symbol comparison

On 2/24/06, joeft <joeft@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> You hit on something that has annoyed me in the past - that the text
> doesn't always seem to line up nicely.  My vote would be to use a
> completely non-proportional font in gschem.  At least for things like
> pin names, pin numbers, attributes.  Generic text could be handled as it
> is now.  Just my $0.022.

For text in symbols (pin names, pin numbers, attributes) there is a choice of
9 anchor points 
I usually create the symbols with a script and set the appropriate anchor
point for the text.

At a freedog meeting we discussed having a fine placement grid for text (maybe
25 or 50 mil) and a coarse placement grid (100mil) for components,
nets, etc. After a
symbol is placed text position could be fine tuned without changing the main

(* jcl *)
