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Maybe this is juste a mistake with commands, but as it still "strange
behavior", I'm sending this off..  

Here is the problem, when using the calculator to do a matrix inversion
(matrix "c"), when I do "a = c^-1", the value of c changes.  

In the example below (I have a snapshot available should someone want to
see this with colors..), you can clearly see the problem.

Dr.Genius> c = [2,3
         > 4,5]
[2	3
 4	5]
Dr.Genius> c
[2	3
 4	5]
Dr.Genius> c
[2	3
 4	5]
Dr.Genius> a = c^-1
[-2 1/2	1 1/2
 2	-1]
Dr.Genius> c
[1	3
 4	5]
Dr.Genius> a
[-2 1/2	1 1/2
 2	-1]

I might take a look at the code, but I am not familiar with C++ (or was
genius coded in C?).

I am using Dr-Genius 0.5.0, from the web page, which I compiled myself
about an hour ago, under Linux (Slackware 7.0).
